Town Council
The Mayor and Town Council in session
Town Council
Councilor Jeremy Davis Representing District 1
Councilor Chandra Gage Representing District 2
Councilor Lisa Armstrong Representing District 3
Mayor Pro Tem and Councilor Lee Taylor Representing District 4

Lee Taylor is Mayor Pro Tem and Councilman for District 4. He and his wife, Connie Martin Taylor, have lived in Mulga for five years after completing 25 years serving with the Southern Baptist International Mission Board. Lee’s job as an International Video Producer took him to more than 40 countries. The Taylors have 2 married children and 6 grandchildren living in Mulga, a married child and 4 grandchildren living in Alabaster, and 2 foster sons living in North Carolina. Lee says, ”My heart’s desire is to work with our Mayor and Town Council to improve the living conditions for ALL residents of Mulga. We will continue to find ways to offer more services to our citizens and to make our Town a clean and safe community.”
Councilor Rachel Davis Representing District 5