In July 2018 we launched our new website. This website provides a lot of functionality that will help both citizens and people outside our Town to find out about our community, pay utility bills online, discover events taking place here, and get a better idea about the area. If you have a question, concern, or wish to comment you can do that on our Citizen’s Voice page.
Another feature of the website is a section for news where you found this article, and where we expect you will be reading information about activities and news. There is also a Calendar page where you will see the latest information on important events taking place, times and where they are scheduled. There is also a page for Pictures where you can see images from the past and present. We hope you will find these pages and all of the website a benefit to you, your business, and your family. Thank you for choosing to be in the Town of Mulga whether it is for business, a visit, or calling it home sweet home.